
Spirit of Sushitaka

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Enjoy the Skill and Taste with Heart.

Edomaezushi (Tokyo-style sushi) was born around two hundred years ago.
Sushitaka was opened in 2008 with spirit that want customers to enjoy the seasonal ingredients as well as the traditional techniques.
The basic technique of Edomaezushi is “Firm up,” “Simmer” and “Broil.” Please come and taste our sushi of different cooking methods and variety.

Pick up the taste

To bring out the flavors of all ingredients we call it “Pick up the taste.” Pressing a piece of sushi into shape with fresh raw fishes does not always taste good. We pride our process with carefully selected ingredients and preparation delivering to you the ultimate taste.

The chef moderates work with experience inherited not only conditions of the ingredients, but the weather and season. The Edomaezushi was from devised in a period without refrigerated facilities. With the method of “Firm up,” “Simmer” and “Broil.”

The Sushi at Sushitaka is the real Edomaesuzhi.